Congratulations for having decided to travel to Botswana with Central Khalahari Wild Tours! We hope this journey will not only be enjoyable but will mark the start of a long friendship with Africa, Botswana and mostly Central Khalahari Wild Tours and staff.
The information below will help you prepare for this amazing safari with Central Khalahari Wild Tours and partners. Set! Steady! Go! .
- Flashlight and headlamp.
- Binoculars.
- A digital camera with spare batteries, battery charger and plenty of memory cards.
- Your personal medication/prescriptions.
Have your personal mini first aid, mosquito repellent lotion and high protection sun lotion in your duffel bag.
For inoculations, please consult your local GP or health provider.
Ensure to see your GP about malaria prophylaxis and whether you should take them or not. Some prophylaxis cause side effects such as nausea, headaches and a lowering of your resistance to the sun and it is important to bear in mind that malaria can be contracted despite taking tablets.
Bring clothing that can be hand washed easily and dried quickly.
You may get opportunities to swim, so bring along a swimming outfit. Don’t forget your sun hat!
- Guides: USD10.00 per person per day.
- Safari Chef: USD5.00 per person per day.
- General Staff: USD5.00 per person per day.
Airports of Arrival or Departure
- Sir Seretse Khama International Airport (Gaborone)
- Maun International Airport
- Kasane International Airport
- Livingstone International Airport
- Victoria Falls Airport